Sex offender registration and notification laws have been widely studied since their implementation during the mid-1990s. Within the last decade, researchers have turned their focus towards the unintended and collateral consequences that registered sex off enders (RSO) experience as a byproduct of being listed on a registry. This study of the consequences that RSOs in Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin endure mirrors research that has studied offenders in Kentucky and Indiana (Tewksbury, 2004, 2005). Research Paper (PDF)
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Collateral consequences, This is a term I have recently heard more. The judges at the supreme court at the hearing on Residencey restrictions used this term. It is amazing that more of the people who make the laws, inforce them ect , They seem unaware of the real damage that the registry causes. If they want to call it Collateral, Good ! Every one on the registering system is greatly effected. all of us are beat down untill we are afraid to say anything. If you say anything , you are just tring to deny your guilt . God forbid you say anything that might be heard as dening. The point is ,most of us do not , or can not describe the real damage , and hurt that we have put on us. Unless it is described ,apparently most people do not know about it. Some will simply enjoy hearing about it ( sadistic ) , But I think their are people , in high places that do not understand what it is really like to be on this system. Some, , most of these people ,( Judges ect ) if given the truth about the harm being done, will try to help and change what is wrong. Finding ways to communicate,is needed. Hopfully by someone that is better at it than I . We all have storys we want to tell. They are all bad. I have never heard anything good come out of being on the registory.
By the way , My name is Doug Enloe E-mail . Ive noticed no one puts their name and contact info on this site. There may be real reasons , I think going thru this makes one naturaly parinoid ,,, ( scared shitless) I can’t spell. E-mail me if you like.
This pound some more nails in the punishment plank on really of SOR.
The vast majority of “the public’ too ignorant and too lazy to find out about or CARE about the truth.
That is what people like the OC DA Tony Rackauckas and state politician George Runner (Jessica’s Law) and the likes of the Hesperia city council all count on as they run about spreading their Chicken Little like alarms about the “monster” RSOs.
Then the courts have to waste their time correcting the matters. I say “waste” their time because these were all matters that they should NOT have HAD to deal with in the first place.